Please be aware that Snow Park Outdoor Amphitheater is not a covered venue and concerts are held come rain or shine. Specific policy information varies depending on the event – please contact the venue directly if you have any queries.

Guests may bring picnics, coolers and glass containers to the show. Animals (unless service animals) are strictly prohibited.

Guests are permitted to bring chairs. Chairs must be less than 9 inches high and for paid performances, the venue seating will be divided into two sections, with chairs allowed on one side and blankets on the other.

Please be aware that ticket pricing varies depending on the event. The Deer Valley concession stand is open for each concert, selling drinks, snacks and light refreshments.

It is also possible to pre-order gourmet picnic baskets and bags up until 5pm the day before the concert (vegetarian, gluten-free and vegan options are available along with children’s single picnic bags) – please contact the venue directly.